Archbishop Don Tamihere has received an award honouring the long-standing relationships and educational exchange between Te Pīhopatanga o Te Tairawhiti and Loyola Marymount University – a highly-respected Catholic University in Los Angeles.
Check out our August issue of He Kupu Whakamarama for korero on the Kahui Wahine Wananga, Rumaki wananga with Te Rau College, clergy news and a memorial to Rev. Canon Mona Scott.
Check out our Matariki 2023 issue of He Kupu Whakamarama for the good vibes on Ven. Dr Hirini Kaa’s Lambeth Award, korero on the Nga Tapuwae a Ihu pilgrimage to the Holy Land, a rembrance to Rev. Fred McRoberts and the upcoming wananga with Te Rau College.
Hui Topu 2020 has been cancelled. After consultation with local whanau and organisers, and following Ministry of Health advice on public events and mass gatherings, the event scheduled for 11 April will be cancelled with tentative rescheduling for Easter Saturday, 2021.