Kawea Te Rongopai
To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every whanau, hapu, and iwi in Te Tairawhiti and beyond.
“Na reira haere, meinga hei akonga nga iwi katoa, iriiria i runga i te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tama, o te Wairua Tapu: Akona ratou kia mau ki nga mea katoa i whakahaua e ahau ki a koutou: na, ko ahau tena hei hoa mo koutou i nga ra katoa, a te mutunga ra ano o te ao. Amine.”
The mission of Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Tairawhiti is to:
• Honour our Gospel heritage as Te Haahi Mihinare;
• Humbly serve whanau, hapu, and iwi through Mihinare ministry
• Grow our congregations through dynamic Mihinare liturgies and fellowship;
• Identify and nurturing a new generation of Mihinare ministers and leaders
Our Guiding Principle
Jesus taught that the Greatest and First Commandment is to Love God with all your heart, soul, and strength; and the Second is like the First – Love your Neighbour as yourself (Mt 22:36-40). Jesus went further to define being a neighbour as a proactive and redemptive act (Lk 10:25-37). In Tairawhiti we seek to hold these teachings at the centre of our mission and ministry as guiding principles for all that we do.
A powerful expression of this is the nurture and development of high-trust relationships - relationships built on integrity, pure intent, honest competency, and good fruit (positive results). These relationships are uplifting and inspiring and produce sustainable results, and we prefer them to low-trust environments that are primarily cynical, political, duplicitous, selfish, and harbouring of animosity. Our commitment is to shun the latter and relentlessly pursue the former in all that we do.
Our Aims
Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Tairawhiti is committed to the guiding principles known within the world-wide Anglican Communion as the Five-fold Mission Statement, or as the Five Marks of Mission. These Five Marks are adopted here as Aims to provide purpose and direction for all of our activities, and to help fulfill our Vision and Mission Statement.
To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
To respond to human need by loving service
To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth
Te Pihopatanga o Te Tairawhiti have adopted the kaupapa of the Decade of Mission, 2015-2025. We will be a people who live and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Ano te ahuareka o nga waewae i runga i nga maunga o te kaikawe i te rongo pai, e kauwhau ana i te maunga rongo; e kawe mai ana i te rongo whakahari o te pai, e kauwhau ana i te ora; e mea ana ki a Hiona, E kingi ana tou Atua!”
“Kawea Te Rongopai means that we renew our commitment to eat, sleep, breathe, live and pray the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Waiho Te Rongokino. Kawea Te Rongopai.”