He Kupu Whakamarama - Tairawhiti Newsletter
Tena tatau i o tatau mate tuatini e haere putuputu atu nei ki te po, e ngahoro atu ra, e ngahoro tonu nei. Ko te Atua tohu to ratau nohoanga, a, kai raro ko nga ringa o tua iho. Tatau nga waihotanga mai. Tena tatau.
Mauri ora ki a tatau katoa mai i Potikirua ki te Manawatu. Ko tenei te purongo o te Hui Amorangi o Te Tairawhiti e whakamohio atu i nga tumomo nekenekehanga o te ao Mihinare ki te Tairawhiti me era korero e pa ana ki to tatau nei whakapono me nga mahi a te Haahi puta noa. Tena, panuitia tonutia mai!
Ordinations 2018
This year’s ordinations will take place at Hinemaurea Marae, Wharekahika (Hick’s Bay), on Saturday 1 December. A powhiri in the morning will be followed that day by the ordination karakia at 11AM.
Archbishop Don ordaining Rev Kingston Cooper as deacon
We are blessed with eleven people discerning for ordination as deacon & priest in 2018, & a handful more for commissioning as Kaikarakia.
Kaiwhakaako will be out & about over the next month putting our postulants through their paces in liturgics, homiletics, & manual acts.
Applications for ordination are due no later than 31 August. Final interviews with the Bishop’s Advisory Panel are scheduled for 21-22 September.
A formal notice with more detail will be circulated once final interviews have been completed & those to be ordained are confirmed.
Please keep all who are discerning for ordination to Holy Orders, & to be licensed as Kaikarakia, in your prayers.
Kawea Te Rongopai: Redshirt Project
Bishop Tarrant, Rev Canon Two Bulls, and Rev Canon Huriwai in Sth Dakota
Aotearoa has been in relationship with the whanau of Red Shirt Table on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation since 2006 when we first sent reps to spend time with the Oglala Lakota people.
This relationship has been reinvigorated in recent years with 3 reps from Tairawhiti travelling in 2016, & 6 led by the Bishop in 2017, to South Dakota.
Rangatahi at Redshirt
This year Rev Canon Chris Huriwai & Canon Isaac Beach led three young men on the journey to Pine Ridge. Sione Veituna (Nikora Tapu, Turanga), Tyrone Reedy-Callaghan (Te Aute College), & Uenuku Hoerara (Te Aute College) were lucky enough to be sponsored to attend.
The Red Shirt kaupapa began 19 years ago & was founded by the Reverend Canons Robert Two Bulls & Michael
Sione in the Badlands, Pine Ridge Reservation, Sth Dakota
Cunningham. The journey takes young people on a 3 day pilgrimage across half of the United States to a small settlement in South Dakota where, through cultural exchange, loving service, & intentional community the pilgrims & the people of Red Shirt seek to live out the calling of the gospel to love & to serve.
Participants this year were fantastic ambassadors. Their commitment to the kaupapa was appreciated by our Oglala whanau & they were excellent examples of what it means to be the hands of Christ in the world.
We are hopeful that Tairawhiti will make the pilgrimage again next year when the Red Shirt Project marks 20 years.
Kura Takurua
Minita gathered from across Te Tairawhiti from 9-11 August for Winter School.
Teaching covered Mihinaretanga through the sacraments & liturgics with Rev Canon Chris Huriwai; the use of Reo & Tikanga in Tikanga Karakia with Rev Kingston Cooper; & a wananga with Wiremu & Lesley Niania on te ao wairua, reflecting on our experience & calling to be an iwi of "total faith" & "agents of wairua" .
The whanau travelled on the final day to Hiona St Stephen's, in Opotiki, for the ordination of Te Hira Paenga as priest. It was a privilege & blessing to be with Te Hira who follows in the footsteps of his tipuna including the Rev Te Keepa Paenga.
Rev Te Hira Paenga ordination, Hiona St Stephen's, Opotiki
Prayer for those discerning a call to licensed and ordained ministry:
E TO MATAU Hepara Nui,
manaakitia mai era kua karangatia nei hai minita mo tau Haahi.
Poua ki roto i a ratau te whatumanawa mo tau kupu, me te tieki i tau iwi,
kia koa ai ratau ki te whakapuaki i tau Rongopai. Amine.
Upcoming Dates:
8: Amorangi Whaiti, Turanga
13-16: Kahui Wahine National Hui, Paihia
21-22: Bishop’s Advisory Panel, Turanga
25-29: MWWL National Conference, Turanga